How to Save Natural Resources

This world beautiful but humans are polutting it let’s try to save our “Natural Resources”. Saving “Natural Resources” is saving ourselves !.

Easy way to conserve & save the environment :

  • Make sure to use your clothes washer and dryer when you have a full load. You could save 1,000 gallons/month!
  • Water your lawn during the evening, when it is cooler and dryer. Watering in the morning, when it is hot and dry, leads to water evaporation.
  • Pick up some earth-bags at your local grocery store. Say no to both, “paper” and “plastic!”
  • Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Sure, they may cost more money, but you will save on your energy bill in the future and they last longer.
  • Try shortening your shower by just a minute. You could save 150 gallons/month!
  • Skip the dishwasher built-in dry option and simply air dry your dishes.
  • Collect rainwater and save it to water your lawn.
  • Get rid of objects containing mercury in your home. They’re a health risk and harmful to the     environment.
  • Set your fridge to be between 36-38 F degrees and freezer to be between 0-5 F degrees.
  •  Save those pesky wire hangers and return them to your neighborhood dry cleaner.
  • UNPLUG unused appliances. Even when powered off, plugged-in appliances use electricity.
  • Plant trees to shade your home. You can save money on air conditioning.
  • Print double-sided. If possible, advocate to make your office or school paper-free.
  • Buy used furniture and re-purpose it. You save money and trees (plus, create original furniture!)
  • Close vents and doors in unused rooms.
  • Buy a stylish ceramic mug for your daily cup of coffee instead of using a disposable cup.
  • Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket.
  • Try a dimmer switch. They’re easy to install and save energy!
  • Turn your computer off when you go to sleep.
  • Make sure to inflate your tires properly. This preserves the life of the tires, creates a safer ride, and saves gas.

If there is one thing we all share every day of our lives, it’s the natural resources on this planet. It stands to reason that as our world wide population grows, the strain on these resources becomes even greater. That’s why even simple reduction measures to save natural resources can go a long way toward improving the overall quality of our lives. Not only will reduction help save the environment, but in the long run it can also save you money as your energy bills can be lowered.

Recycling means instant reduction

According to recent surveys by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 32 percent of municipal solid waste has been recycled by American households. That translates into over 79 tons trash that didn’t need to be incinerated or dumped in a landfill. That’s certainly a positive step toward saving the environment, but when you recycle, you are in essence putting raw compounds such as paper and plastic back into circulation without the need for digging up new raw materials. By merely recycling your old newspapers and magazines, you’ll be saving natural resources such as our forests. Consider the typical soda can. A recycled aluminum can utilizes 95 percent less of the amount of energy needed to create that can than if you were making a brand new version with raw ore.

Reduction through recycling translates to saving energy

The EPA has conducted many studies which link the benefits of saving natural resources through reduction. When you make a product from scratch, you’re going to expend plenty of energy in mining, harvesting, transportation and manufacturing. If you can cut out all that extra work by recycling, it stands to reason that you’ll be saving on energy. Here’s the proof from the EPA: For the year 2000, the amount of recycled goods translated into saving enough energy to power over 6 million households. By the time 2005 rolled around, that number increased to 9 million households.

Don’t stop with recycling

As you become aware of the benefits of reduction to save natural resources, you won’t be able to escape the easiest and most cost effective method of reduction:driving less. When you reduce the amount of miles you drive, you are reducing the need for gas production and refining. The result is savings in your pocket, as well as natural resources. You can take it a step further by buying a hybrid or more fuel-efficient car.

Reference :

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